A few years ago we realised that we were better retailers than wholesalers. That’s when we decided, that unlike some other retailers, we would source all our plants from the experts who spend everyday perfecting the growth of their plants of expertise. Our buyers visit our growers on a regular basis and we only choose the best quality available.
Many of the plants we sell have been years in the making. To start the process, plant breeders can spend several years cross pollinating plants and coming up with improved varieties. A grower then sows a seed, or takes a cutting, and this can take up to 3 months to be ready to pot up. At this point it is critical that the plant is kept not too wet, but not too dry. A typical plant may then be potted up and grown for 6 months to up to 3 years before the grower comes up with a sell-able plant. By the time it comes to our nursery, a plant has probably been in production for as long as a good bottle of red !
If you start with an inferior plant in your garden, it may never truly grow as well if you start with a top quality specimen. That’s why at Gardenworld we pride ourselves on bringing you the best plants that we can possibly source in order to give you the greatest opportunity for success in your garden.