Scilla – Woodland Blue Bells – 5 Bulbs


Scilla – Woodland Blue Belss – 6 Bulbs

Hyacinthoides hispanica

Dainty midnight blue flowers. Easy to grow. Great planted in pots/containers but also works well in the garden. Makes a wonderful cut flower.


Height: 30-45cm
Planting Time: Plant from March onwards
Depth: Plant 10cm deep.
Flowering: Spring.
Positioning: Will do best in a shaded area, or in a position that receives morning sun and afternoon shade.
Soil: A well drained organically rich soil is best.
Cultivation: Work compost or rotted animal manure through the soil before planting, this will increase fertility and improve drainage. Can be left in the ground undisturbed for years to naturalise or lifted if the clumps become to thick. Wait till the foliage dies back then lift and store in a cool, well ventilated, dry environment ready to replant the following season.

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