Gladioli Green Star 5 bulbs
Availability: Only 2 left in stock
CODE: 9315774073725Gladiolus Green Star –
Gladioli Green Star is a wonderful, striking flower which will give you an amazing floral display. The blooms emerge on tall stems which appear through the foliage. The leaves are a strappy rich green. The flowers first emerge in Summer and are a semi-ruffled, true green. The blooms can be used for cut flower arrangements. Best grown in full sun in the garden in humus-rich, free-draining friable soil. Plant bulbs in winter for optimum results. Keep plants well-watered throughout the warmer months, applying a layer of mulch around the base of the plant once it has broken dormancy will help to retain more moisture when it is needed. Fertilise with either a bulb feed or an all-purpose food in peak growing seasons. No need for cool-season storage.
Position: Full Sun – Part Shade