Loganberry 2 ltr
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Rubus x loganobaccus ‘Loganberry’ – 2 ltr
Loganberry is a natural cross between a Blackberry and Raspberry. The fruit is large, 3cm long, cylindrical-shape, which change from bright red to a dusty-purple once ripe. These large aromatic berries are good for jams, pies, eaten fresh and other desserts. Loganberry has a distinctive flavour which is sharp and tart. Harvest the fruits from December once the berries have changed their colour and are easier to pull from the vine. Best grown in well-draining, humus-rich soil in all day sun. Ideal plant for smaller gardens as their growth habit can be trained for smaller spaces. Trim back new spring shoots to around 20-30cm to encourage branching. The resulting canes will be thinner and more numerous, making them easier to train on wires the following season. Provide horizontal wires at 60cm and 120cm for training vines along. Fertilise during autumn.