Lilly Pilly Backyard Bliss – 20cm Pot


Lilly Pilly Backyard Bliss – 20cm pot

Syzygium paniculata

Lilly Pilly Backyard Bliss is a hardy upright, dense evergreen native shrub with glossy green foliage and red new growth in the Summer. Produces masses of white flowers in Summer followed by pink berries in autumn. Lilly Pilly Backyard Bliss has low water requirements once established in the garden but will benefit from a deep soaking during dry periods. This tree has been specifically breed to resist the common pest Psyllid.
Height: 4m when fully grown.
Width: 1-2m, 20cm (Pot.)
Positioning: Full sun or part shade.
Watering: Water occasionally once established except in dry periods where it will benefit from a deep soaking.
Soil: Prefers a well drained soil.

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